It is used to test applications, measuring system behaviour and performance under load. LoadRunner can simulate thousands of users concurrently using application software, recording and later analyzing the performance of key components of the application.
- Quality Assurance and Performance Engineers
- Users of LoadRunner who need to create scripts to load test their Web applications
- Executives involved in any aspect of the load testing process
Installation and environment setup:
- Latest python version python 3.9 installation
- How to write first python program?
Execution of python program:
- Interpreter Mode
- Interactive Mode
- Scripting mode
Basic Syntax:
- Variables,
- Basic Keywords Introduction
- User Input
Data Types Introduction and Implementations with its methods and operations
- Number
- String
- Tuple
- List
- Dictionary
- Set
- Types of Operators
- Implementation of operators
Flow control statements:
- What is a flow control statement?
- If statement
- …else statement
- ..elif…else statement
- Nested if statement
- What is a loops?
- for loop
- while loop
- Nested loops
- Loop control statements
Project 1: Basic Python (Create a Game by using Data Types, Flow control statements and loops)
Functions in Python
- Defining Functions
- Using Parameters and Return Values
- Using Arguments and Defaults Parameters
- Using Global Variables and Constants
- Variable Scope
Packages and Modules
- Using Modules in Programs
- Writing Modules
- Importing Modules
- Using Imported Functions and Modules
- Creation of Package
Inbuilt Library Modules Introduction and implementation
- Copy
- time
- pickle
File handling:
- The Open Function
- Input from Text Files
- Output to Text Files
- File methods
Error and Exception Handling:
- Using try Statement with Except and finally
- Handling Multiple Exceptions
OOPs concept:
- Introduction to Object-Oriented Python
- Creating Classes, Methods and Objects
- Using Constructor and Attributes
- Using Class Attributes and Static Methods
- Private Attributes and Methods
- Using Inheritance to Create New Classes
- Understanding Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Data Abstraction etc OOPS Concept
GUI Programming using Tkinter:
- Creating and Accessing Properties
- Examining A GUI
- Understanding Event Driven Programming
- Introduction to Tkinter Module
- Using Root Window
- Creating Frames
- Using Labels and Buttons
- GUI Programs with Classes
- Binding Widgets and Event Handlers
- Using Text and Entry Widgets
- Using the Grid Layout Manager
- Using Check and Radio Buttons
Project 2: OOPS Concept (Which shows the use of different OOPs concepts)
Project 3: GUI (Billing System)
Regular Expression
- Introduction of RE module
- Regular Expression Patterns
- Regular expression methods and its implementation
Database Programming
- Introduction
- DB library modules
- Create a connection with Database
- CRUD operation on SQLite DB
Network Programming
- Introduction of Socket Programming
- Socket methods
- Server and client programming
Testing and Debugging Python Program
- Introduction of Debug Menu
- Debugging python program
Deploy Python application in user friendly format
- .py to .exe conversion
Sending Mail Using different methods in Python
- Overview of SMTP and SSL methods
- Sending Plain Text mail
- Sending Fancy mails
- Sending mail with attachments
Project 4: on Data Base
Project 5: on Network Programming
Project 6: Login App
Working knowledge of:
- Windows
- Web sites and browsers
- Fundamental understanding of C programming is helpful, but not mandatory
Course Schedule 2021
Weekday (AM Class) 8:30am – 12:30pm | ||
Weekend | ||