
As we look into the data from thousands of job openings managed by Career Connect in 2023, we uncover fascinating insights into the types of jobs that are currently in high demand. These trends not only offer valuable guidance to job seekers but also provide a glimpse into the overall economic landscape, reflecting signs of recovery from the setbacks of the past few years.

The Dominance of IT and Tech Jobs

One of the most prominent trends in the 2023 job market is the significant demand for IT and tech-related positions, which account for 23% of the total job openings on the Career Connect platform. Within this category, 6% of the jobs pertain specifically to IT professional services and consulting. This surge in IT hiring is indicative of the Philippines’ growing tech industry and the increasing reliance on digital solutions across various sectors.
As businesses continue to digitize their operations, get into E-commerce and business process automations initiatives, professionals with expertise in information technology remain in high demand. This trend not only reflects the immediate needs of businesses but also underscores the long-term importance of IT in sustaining and driving growth.

The adoption of AI-related tech jobs hasn’t reached its peak just yet, but we’re witnessing a growing trend where companies are gearing up and actively seeking talent in this cutting-edge field.

The Financial Services Sector

Financial services-related jobs account for 8% of the total job openings in Career Connect in 2023. This sector remains a key player in the Philippine job market, with positions ranging from financial analysts to banking professionals. The rapid rise of Fintech players in the Philippine market is also driving the expansion of the industry and the emergence of new, specialized jobs in this sector.

In the financial services sector, there is a noticeable surge in the availability of C-level positions, with a consistent demand for these roles. In fact, there has been an impressive nearly 50% increase compared to the previous year, showcasing the sector’s strong growth in high-level executive opportunities.

The demand for financial experts suggests that businesses are not only looking to navigate the complex financial landscape but also to expand and explore new opportunities. These openings are indicative of the country’s continued economic growth and its positioning as a financial hub in the Asia-Pacific region.

Manufacturing: A Surprising but Expected Rebound

One of the surprises in the 2023 job market data is the resurgence of manufacturing-related jobs, accounting for 7% of the total job openings. After facing significant challenges during the pandemic and the ensuing economic downturn, the manufacturing sector is showing signs of recovery.

This uptick in manufacturing positions indicates a revival in the industrial sector and the resilience of businesses that were previously impacted by supply chain disruptions. It’s a promising sign that the Philippine economy is on the path to stability and growth. Logistics, Supply Chain and Engineering roles have increased in 2023 and we see this continuing on for the rest of fourth quarter.

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Continues to Thrive

BPO-related jobs, a cornerstone of the Philippine job market, still account for 7% of all job openings. While the percentage contribution has slightly decreased due to new job opportunities emerging in other industries, the total number of jobs in this sector remains robust and consistent.

This trend demonstrates the continued strength of the BPO industry and its adaptability to evolving market demands. It is a testament to the stability and growth potential of this sector in the Philippine job market.

Remote Work: The New Norm

One significant change in the job market landscape, accelerated by the pandemic, is the prevalence of remote work or home-based opportunities. In the first half of 2023, a staggering 65% of job openings were either fully remote or offered a hybrid work arrangement. This trend has not only persisted but is expected to continue shaping the future of work.

Remote work has become more than just a response to exceptional circumstances. It’s now a strategic choice for both employers and employees, offering flexibility, efficiency, and a wider talent pool. This shift has a profound impact on how businesses operate and how job seekers plan their careers.

What’s captivating about the current remote work trend is the emergence of roles that were traditionally office-based, now transitioning to remote or hybrid work setups. Occupations such as accounting, human resources, project management, and various consulting positions are increasingly being offered as flexible remote or hybrid job options by companies.

This signifies a growing shift towards greater flexibility in work arrangements for roles that were conventionally tied to on-site work.

The Rise of Specialized Roles

During the pandemic, highly specialized roles in Information Technology emerged as a response to the rapid digital transformation. While these specialized IT roles still play a significant part in the job market in 2023, there has been a noticeable increase in specialized positions across other industries.

Roles in Sales, Marketing, Accounting, Finance, and operations have gained prominence as businesses in the retail sector expand their operations post-pandemic.


The 2023 job market trends in the Philippines, as observed through the lens of Career Connect, provide valuable insights into the changing landscape of employment. The dominance of IT and tech jobs, the resilience of the financial services sector, the surprise rebound in manufacturing, and the continued strength of the BPO industry paint a picture of an economy on the path to recovery and growth.

The shift toward remote work and the proliferation of specialized roles further underscore the adaptability and dynamism of the job market. As industries evolve and adapt to new challenges and opportunities, Career Connect stands as a valuable partner in connecting the right talent with the right opportunities, shaping careers, and industries in the process.

In the ever-evolving world of the job market, understanding the dynamics of employment trends is crucial for both job seekers and employers. Career Connect, a PEA licensed executive search and recruitment firm in the Philippines, has been at the forefront of connecting talent with opportunity across various industries. With a strong focus on high-growth sectors such as startups, technology, and finance, Career Connect has witnessed remarkable shifts in the job market.

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