Getting Groomed for the Workplace

No  matter what job you’re gunning for, first impressions count. This aspect of the job is a universal truth present in all professions. Looking the part for your job is just as important for people in the office because no matter what you do, practicing proper grooming and dressing appropriately is still a surefire way to give you an edge.

In  this article, you will be provided with a few helpful tips to up your first impressions and command respect in the workforce.

Avoid Excess Accessories

It’s generally a good idea to dodge jewelry outside of the conventional earrings, and/or necklace combination, and also to keep cologne and/or perfume from being an olfactory hazard. Gems and scents exist to brighten the room and make the area a pleasant place to be.

Press And Dress

Dressing the part might be the most obvious way to fit into the office setting, but it isn’t hard to overdo it colorwise. It is usually best to adhere mostly to neutral or basic colors, and avoid overly bright ones altogether. It is also important to take note of clothes that require special care during the process of laundering, (dry clean only clothing in particular) and also to take care not to stain or damage such clothing at the office.

Dress And Impress

While self-expression through various mediums is a big deal in the modern world, the office has consistently been a place adherent to a modest dress code. Dressing appropriately is often associated with dressing to conform with the standards of the workplace – and more often than not, this means keeping your outfits formal, but also visibly comfortable – tailored for your personal use. Polos and suits are great for men, and go along with well-shined shoes. Picking out a tie to compliment your top is also key to tying the outfit together. For both men and women sporting watches, it is generally a good idea to keep a classic wristwatch with you, and nothing too flashy. Women have a greater number of options than men do when deciding how to present themselves in the workplace, and can get creative. It is important to note however, that the same general rule applies – the avoidance of anything too flashy.

Basic Grooming

Basic grooming is a universal must, and is not just expected in the workplace, but everywhere you go. Clean cut nails, brushed teeth, clean skin, and tidy hair are expected at all times. It is simply non-negotiable. It is very helpful to integrate a grooming regimen into your workdays especially, and to see the process as part of the job. Getting up an hour earlier if you have to, to really inspect every piece of your person, and name the pieces ready to go can feel very rewarding, and will definitely up your confidence, as you’ve done all you could to look your best. Taking a shower is a huge must, as everything else easily follows – and bodily inspection is made easier. Facial hair must be kept clean – clean cut, preferably, and the rest of the face clear of dirt, and the like.

Compact Storage

A physiological response is present in your officemates when they see their coworkers struggling to handle their own documents. It makes them uneasy, as being in the same situation would make things very difficult for them. Having a briefcase with you will not only make your life easier with regard to proper storage, but will let your peers know without a word that you’ve got everything under control and can handle yourself with ease, also consequently eliminating any doubt in your ability to get things done.

Never Stop Learning

With the constant shifting of trends, and the workplace evolving with the times, keep in mind that these guidelines will always be guidelines. While helpful, it will always be important to keep track of your office’s own personal standards. But with the tips provided above, no matter where you work, we guarantee you better presentation of self physically, mentally, and professionally in the eyes of your peers, and seniors.